Friday, December 28, 2007
Joined the Club
Yesterday morning we got up early and headed for the highschool. The girls basketball team have a tournament in the valley Thursday-Saturday and Trevor had to go, and I was invited to come along. I decided to go, because I really didn't want to be at home by myself for the next three days. In Payson we stopped to get a quick breakfast at McDonald's. The girls all know that I am pregnant and they were asking me how I am feeling. I told them pretty good. I don't really throw up, I'm just sick a lot. About one hour later the bus has to be pulled over for me to throw up. How embarassing. Of all the times, it had to be while we were with a ton of people. I hate to throw up, but now that I have had that initial throw-up over with, it's not so bad. I felt good all day long. If throwing up will make me not be nauseaus all day, it might not be too bad.
I told my mom about it, and she said, "Welcome to pregnancy."
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
By 7:30 we headed to my mom's house. We had a few gifts for Kade and Taylor and my mom, plus a few that I had wrapped for my mom to take. We opened gifts there and got a big surprise. Well, I had known about it. First of all, let me tell you about me and gift giving. I am great at picking out stuff for people, but I am terible at keeping it secret. I hint majorly, and I usually end up letting whoever is getting my gifts open one or more early. I am like a little kid about it. It slightly drives Trevor crazy. Anyway.....this was the ultimate gift and I didn't even hint about it. I have kept it secret forever. My mom wrapped this in like 4 boxes before Trevor got to it. Inside was a Phoenix Suns ticket!!!! We have been wanting to go to a game forever. Neither of us have ever been to a professional basketball game! He could not believe it. My mom had wrapped my ticket seperately, so at first he thought he was going to have to go by himself. It was so exciting to see his face. After the gifts we ate stuffed french toast. Yum!
Once we were home I got ready, and Trevor turned on the double header of basketball games. Nothing says Christmas like basketball, right??? At least, in Trevor's world it does. I couldn't take that much b-ball so I took a good nap. Late in the afternoon we got one of the best things in all. We got to talk to my brother, Elder Spenser Chance Garner on the phone. It was so exciting. And so weird. He has been out for 7 months already and we've only communicated through emails and letters, so to hear his voice was crazy. We had major problems getting through though. My mom had bought a phone card because it is way cheaper to call Brazil with one of those than just calling directly there. Five different times we called and he would say hello and then the call would disconnect. We didn't know what to do. My mom tried calling the operator and the phone card hotline. Finally one time she called somebody when our phone rang and it was him. I answered and he was all stressed. He was spending someone else's money by calling us, but he needed to give us another number to reach him. He tried to tell me the number, but he was saying it in Portugese. He got frustrated and turned to someone and something like I can't! Finally, using the little Spanish I know I said the numbers to him in Spanish. He was like yes, yes! Then he said repeat it. So I did, and we finally had the right number! I hun

Finally, we went back to Trevor's parents house for dinner. It was a really yummy ham dinner. I am still so full. All in all, a really fun Christmas. The suns game on tonight is most likely the ending of our day, but oh well. It wouldn't be normal if we didn't have a day of some sort of basketball going on!
I hope all went well with everyone else's Christmas. Hopefully next year will be even better with our little one. We can't wait!
P.S. The picture of Spenser was the only one I had on my camera. I think I have used it before, but it was taken at Kade's eighth grade graduation a few days before Spenny left on his mission.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
Friday, December 21, 2007
Christmas Break
People don't realize how much work goes into being a teacher or a teacher's aide like me. I have heard it called a cushion job, but I don't think you would call it that if you did it everyday. My husband always gives me a hard time because we have the summer off and then Christmas break and also half-days of school often. What some people don't realize is how much those days are needed!!! Not only are the kids sick of the everyday hum-drum of school, but they are sick of us. Likewise, we need a break from them too. Bring on the break....
I fully intend on sleeping in every morning (anything past 6:30 is sleeping in for me), and just lying in bed on those days when I feel so sick to my stomach. I have two weeks of not having to fight the morning sickness at work. YAY!
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a good one. Travel safe. I hope all my kids at school will come back rested and ready to get back to work.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
What Season is it?
Now the last two days it has been warmer. It feels like the start of spring. It's still really cold in the morning and at night, but it warms up in the day and you don't even need a jacket. All the snow is pretty much melted. You can't hardly tell we even had storms.
Although winter is not my favorite, and I don't mind a fairly dry winter, I do hope that we have a white Christmas. If it would just be snowy on Christmas eve and Christmas day I would be a happy girl. Of course, we could use the moisture.....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sarcastically Sweet
Setting: St. Johns High School basketball games. St. Johns vs. Alchesay
Main Characters: Narrator (a.k.a me, Taytum)
3 girls from Alchesay
Scene: There's a big messy problem, and narrator decides to fix it.
While sitting at the SJ vs. Alchesay games I look down the row from me, and there are sunflower seeds EVERYWHERE! First of all, ew. Second of all, the gym (although it may smell like it sometimes) is not a barn! Not only were there seeds on the row down from me, but on the two rows in front of that. Gross, spit-out-of-the-mouth seeds covering three rows of bleachers. I look, and sure enough it isn't any of our fans that have created the mess, it is three reservation girls from Alchesay. Not only does it bother me because it is a germy mess, but they are on the HOME team side. Go sit on the VISITOR side! Someone needs to post signs to direct people to their appropriate Taytum's "perfect world" there would be. But, moving on.
As I sit fuming, I decide something should be done about this. I don't think Mr. Holden, the custodian should have to clean up that kind of mess. If you were to look at the rest of the stands there are a few wrappers and soda cans here and there, but no mess like this. I decide to take action into my own hands. Mr. Holden is down by the door closest to me so I get up to go talk to him. As I go, I pass the three girls. I stop and say in my nicest school teacher way,
"Ladies, would you like me to get a broom for you to clean up this? We don't make these kinds of messes here."
They look at me completely dumbfounded. I don't think they could believe someone said anything at all to them. Partly because they mess up their own places and the other reason they were in disbelief was because I don't think they ever thought they would be held accountable for their mess. Surprisingly, they all shook their heads or said yes they would clean it up.
I continued down to Mr. Holden and told him about the mess and that if he would give them a little broom or something they would clean it up for him. He was like, "Really?" And I said yes. I showed him which girls, and they had already gotten on their hands and knees and were picking it up with their hands!
I was so proud of myself. See if I hadn't done that, it would have been left there. Totally rude. I figured I'd rather take a chance and have some girls I don't even know think I am mean, then to sit there and fume and know that someone else would have to pick up their spitty seed shells.
If I had to do it again, I would.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A Poet but I didn't Know it
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Embarassing Moment
Monday, December 10, 2007
Good Ole SJ
Today as I am driving to work low and behold there are three huge black cows making their way down the side of the road. Now in St. Johns that isn't anything out of the ordinary, but these were almost to Brides. I would expect to see those more out towards my house, but they were almost to the main road! I had to laugh as I pulled into the grocery store wondering where they came from. When I got back on the road less than ten minutes later the cows were gone! I thought that maybe the owners of the cows had shooed them off, but while looking I see that the cops had been called in on the scene.
I love this small town even if it is called a "hell hole" by some (cough, cough Bailey). Where else are you going to have your very own personal Barney 5 type of police squad???
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
New Floors
Monday, December 03, 2007
Pizza Hut Hissy-fit
Pizza is by far one of my favorite foods. It's right up there with chips and salsa and bean and cheese burritos as a food I could eat nearly every day. Here-in the middle of nowhere-you can't really get pizza. There used to be Hot Stuff pizza, which wasn't that great, but it changed to Noble Roman's and has gone completely down hill to freak nasty if you ask me. Pizza Hut is such a treat to me. Plus, of all the pizza places (dominos, little caesars, etc)it's my favorite. But if any of you plan on eating at the Pizza Hut in Show Low, beware.....they suck.
Last time we ate there, the stupid people put on too much cheese and the pizza was all doughy...ewww...We got another one cooked that day and the pizza itself half off, but Trevor swore that even that one was still doughy. Another time, I ordered myself a personal pan pizza to go and the sauce tasted sour or something like it had gone bad. I know there was something else wrong another time we went, but I can't remember what. Saturday was the final staw for me.
We get there and order our pizza right away. I ask for extra sauce with the breadsticks. Our drinks come and the breadsticks, but no extra sauce. The waitress runs by later and we ask for sauce again and she says never comes. I'll deal with the loss fairly well and then when our pizza comes she drops it off and leaves. Trevor finally goes up and asks the manager at the front for the sauce we asked for three times. This is not the end. We look at our pizza and there is like no sauce on it and hardly any cheese! What the HELL! I am so ticked! All I want is a good pizza. We would have told our waitress, but she never comes and checks on us once! We were so hungry, we figured we would just deal. Then we both run out of drinks. I hate not having something to drink with my meal. She finally comes by to give us our ticket and two take-out boxes. Why two boxes with only like 3 pieces left? Who knows. Then the lady has the nerve to ask if we want refills. Why would we want refills when we are leaving? I am not at all happy. Trevor says he's going to talk to the manager.
We go to leave and the manager wasn't at the front so Trevor was going to let it go. Not me. I couldn't. I was mad. She comes out and I just tell her how it is. First I say don't you guys use scales to measure out your ingredients? She tells me that they do and so I said that they must not be because the last two times things were wrong. One time too much toppings another time not enough. Then I tell her, I have waitressed before so I understand when things are busy but this has happened more than once! Then no drinks no sauce. Not one good thing happened. Poor Trevor is standing there looking at the ceiling like, "um...maybe I'll go stand over here.." He told me later that I was kind of loud. I didn't think I was loud, but maybe I did raise my voice a little. Finally we got our meal for free, but that really wasn't the point. I kept saying I'm not trying to be rude, but I just think you shoud know. I think this shouldn't happen everytime we come. What are the odds of having everything screwed up everytime we come? Better luck next time? If I didn't love Pizza Hut so much, I would say I wouldn't ever go there again.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Be of Good Cheer
We just bought new wood floors for our house and we are counting those as our Christmas present. If there are any presents under the tree, they will be what we are buying for our families. We did agree to do stockings though. It may seem a little childish, but I still get all giddy at Christmas. Stockings have always been my favorite things, so we definitely couldn't NOT do them. I can't wait for the day when we have our own little ones. I say this now, but I actually think it would be fun to keep kids out of the presents and away from the ornaments on the tree. I think it is so cute! They are so excited and trying to figure out what everything is all about. It's almost like reliving your own Christmas's as a kid. I am so envious of those of you that have kids!
All I have to say is bring on the lights, the music, hot chocolate, Christmas eve at Grampa's, the movie A Christmas Story and How the Grinch stole Christmas (along with all the others, but you can't have christmas without those two), and of course the two week break I get from work!!!! Woot-woo! Life doesn't get much better.......