Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buying for Brody

Who knew that buying stuff for someone (especially someone you haven't even met yet)could be so much fun? Trevor and I have picked up a few things for our little Brody Jay the last couple weeks. It's weird because we went from not even really looking at baby stuff to getting a little something almost every time we go to the store. Talk about making it all seem more and more real!

Of course, living around here we only have Walmart as a shopping option, but we have still found some cute little clothes anyway. I realize that we will probably get a lot of things from a baby shower, but we have really wanted to pick out some things that we like. While we were looking Trevor realized just how picky I am. I am just not a big fan of baby clothes that have cartoons on them like Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, or any other disney things. Unfortunately, a lot of baby clothes are exactly like that. I like when babies are dressed more like little people than in the fru-fru baby crap. I found a few things that did have little animals or whatever on them that I didn't mind. I really loved the sunday outfit I found. It was even on sale!
I have also bought Brody Jay a few little books. I love reading so much and I hope that somehow that can rub off on him. After working at the school I realize even more how important it is to get your kids interested in reading. Especially boys! Boys have such a hard time being interested in reading. There are exceptions of course, but it seems very true of boys. I really believe that the reason I love reading all stems back to how much my mom read to me as a kid. I am going to try really hard to read to Brody and to make books always available to him. My mom even let me go through the books that we used to have as kids and take some for Brody Jay to have! I love that he will get to have some of my very own books from when I was a kid.
The other thing that I LOVE that we bought was this little blue blanket and matching snuggly from Walmart. Since before I was pregnant I used to look at the baby stuff and always say that the first thing I would buy would either be the blue or the pink blanket and snuggly when I found out what I was having. When we found out it was a boy we went straight to the store and I made a bee line for the aisle with the blanket and snuggly. Of course, they only had the snuggly in and both of them were in for the pink! I was so mad. I finally got the blanket this last weekend and sometimes I just get them out to feel. They are the softest things ever!!!
We made our first big purchase this week. My mom gave us some money to go towards a crib, plus we got our tax return money in so finally after two hours of being on the phone and internet I got the crib! Yay! It wasn't what I had originally picked out, it's better! I can't wait to actually get it. I had to find where it was available at a target and finally found one that had it. Of course, they don't hold anything for longer than 24 hours, so my brother-in-law picked it up for us and we are getting it from him this weekend. I can hardly wait to set it up. Trevor and I always go into Brody's room and look in his closet at our little purchases, but the crib is what we have looked most forward to. That's when it will really seem like his room.
Shopping is always fun, but it is the best now. Every little thing makes me get more and more excited for August!


Erin said...

How fun that you already have a crib! What color is it? Post pictures! I love shopping for the baby too. I like it even better than shopping for myself because all of the outfits are a lot cheaper than my clothes. P.S. OLD has a TON of adorable kids clothes in case you were wanting to order online because of the lack of stores in your area. And they even have a huge clearance section.

123123 said...

Yes, I must see pictures of the crib! That is my favorite part too!
Babies everywhere --- I can't wait!
I just found out a TON of girls in my ward are pregnant too! Holy craziness! Lots of lil Angels need homes! I'm so glad!
I am so bubbly... I love it!

I love the things you bought --- and I agree with the reading. I don't remember being read to, and I hate books. I don't want my kids to miss out on that.

Joey & Tiffanye said...

I Love looking at clearance everywhere! My favorites is so full! haha. The outfits you bought are so cute! I love the book thing! I love reading, and hope my kids do too! I cant wait to see pictures of your crib!

Mary Anne said...

Yeah! I have looked at cribs a little bit but I'm just so dang clueless as to what I really want and what's good that I'm scared to actually buy one. I want it to be sturdy enough to last through all of our kids. I would love to see what you ended up getting!

kimber said...

Psssttt..... I make custom crib bedding..... I make custom crib bedding as a side business..... HUGE discount ;)
Also try - SUPER CUTE boy clothes!!

Ashley said...

Congrats! How exciting! I am sure you will have so much fun shopping!

Mary Anne said... more comment. It was so funny because when I was reading this post and you said you're not really a fan of little kids in like Disney cartoons I could TOTALLY relate. I feel exactly the same way, and I feel even more strongly about adults wearing stuff like that but that's a whole different story. Anyway, I've mentioned it to a few people (because I don't really want people to buy me stuff with Pooh Bear on it) and they always seem to think I'm either ultra picky or they seem offended. I don't know if it's because they like stuff like that or what, but I felt all bad afterwards. I still hold the same position though. Don't worry, I would never buy you anything Disney.