Monday, November 20, 2006

Primary Woes....

Since Trevor and I got married I have taught the 4 and 5 year old primary class. We even switched wards and I still got the same class. I love the kids so much, but they are slowly driving me NUTS! In the ward we are in now, I have the most wild class of them all. That is not an exaggeration by any means.

This Sunday was particularly frustrating. I think most teachers probably study there lessons throughout the week. Not me. I have discovered that the more I study the more frustrated I get when they don't listen. So, usually I don't even crack open my manual until Sunday morning or late Saturday night. This week I made some really cute handouts that the kids could color and then put together. One kid decorated it, and then crumpled it up and threw it in the trash! Another one stuck it in between the wall and the chair railing and ripped it in half. Those were made on my time and w/ my money! Normally I can take it, but I don't know I just was mad. To top it off, we have been gone a lot this month. Once we were in Mesa, then I had a cousin that returned from his mission, and next week we are going to Mesa again for Thanksgiving. I know that it can inconvenience the Primary, but I didn't like leave them high and dry. I have found substitutes. But the primary president asked me on Sunday if us being gone was going to be a constant problem! gggrrrrr......

Seriously, I know I may have been called to serve this calling, but are they sure? Can't some of the kids parents teach? As I looked at all the primary workers only like 2 of them actually had kids in primary. So for me, thank a primary teacher or nursery teacher next Sunday.


Erin said...

Girl, I'm in with the Mia Maides, and THEY don't even listen!! Our lessons CONSTANTLY revert back to their boyfriends - which they shouldn't even have because they're not sixteen! I feel your pain.

Bailey said...

i know how you feel, i use to teach the 3 & 4 year olds...luckily Chris had the calling with me!!