Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Chicago is NOT the Windy City

Today was miserable! It's not track season so why are the winds blowing so hard? Hurricane winds are 70mph and we hit about 55mph. That is just flat out crazy! I swear I thought I was going nuts with all the noise.

I kid you not when I say that every surface of my home was and still is covered in dirt! I took pictures to prove it. I don't even know how so much of it got in. I did have windows open for a while, but I think a lot of it came in through the vents and cracks that aren't even visible around doors and windows. It is truly a mess. These pictures are from around my sliding glass door, and no that is not a shadow, that is dirt!'s going to take all summer break just to clean up all the dust. I am pretty sure that your house is NOT supposed to smell like dust.

Clearly whoever believes that Chicago is the windy city has never been to St. Johns Az! Normally you can see the road and the airport from right here. But not today.


Bailey said...

That's so crazy. Don't miss it for sure!! Have fun cleaning!! YAY!

Nicole said...

My mom said that her house was covered with dust too, so you're not alone! Good luck with your cleaning!