Some of the things that I find most useful may not be to others, but I am going to list them anyway and list WHY they are helpful.
*Burp cloths- we go through these a lot! But not just any burp cloths. I like to use cloth diapers for burp cloths. They are so much thicker than the ones you buy in a package from walmart....all those do is sop up part of the spit up and lets the rest leak onto me!
*Pack n Play (playard)- this has been so useful. Not only does Brody sleep in his playard every night next to my bed, but we have stayed in a hotel once since having Brody and it was so easy to just pack up his bed and put him in it at the hotel.
*Mylicon- this really has helped when Brody feels a little gassy. Plus, I've learned a little trick...if you give some mylicon to your baby and then put in their pacifier they take it right away because they like the taste of mylicon and suck the life out of the pacifier as if it has the medicine.
*Pampers swaddlers- we bought a bunch of diapers in bulk. What we failed to do was buy any in the newborn size! Even having a kid as big as mine, he still can where that size. We tried other brands and didn't like them in the newborn size. These were my favorite. It might be different in other sizes, but not for the newborn...pampers is best for now.
*Avent bottles- we tried others, but Brody just liked this best.
*Breast pump- good if you are like me and like to go places, but don't want to feed in front of the whole world (and if you don't mind feeding in front of the world, I think you're gross). We have gone to my brother's soccer games and high school football games because we were able to pack a bottle of my milk.
If you have other tips or advice feel free to leave it. I'm sure there are lots of things that I haven't tried or don't know about.
I love how open you were with the whole "you're gross thing" I never was comfortable nursing in public either. The only thing I can think to add is teething tablets. Payton started teething really young and my sister recommended these. I've tried humphreys (spells?) and hylands, and I like hylands better because they dissolve way faster. Oh, one more thing, if your baby likes being swaddled, we loved the boppy swaddling blankets, the ones that velcro shut. Those suckers kept Payton snug at night!
I agree with all of these things!! And I already gave Lindsey my advice, but to any others reading... here's my opinion.
I used Pampers Swaddlers for a few months and loved them, but they are more expensive than most so I switched to Luvs. They work just as well and I'm saving like $15 a month.
If you're nursing, I wouldn't buy any kind of nipple cream until you need it. The hospital gave me some and by the time it was gone I didn't even need it anymore.
There is nothing wrong with breast feeding in public as long as you are completly covered and not hanging out. People do it all the time. Its not gross, what are you going to do when he eats everything you pumped and he's still hungry? Think about it.
There is nothing wrong with breast feeding in public as long as you are completly covered and not hanging out. People do it all the time. Its not gross, what are you going to do when he eats everything you pumped and he's still hungry? Think about it.
Here's one question (I'm posting this here because you have LOTS of readers... ): Speaking about breast feeding -- which type of nursing pads do you prefer? I bought a big box of Avent ones... but I don't know how well they'll work!
And thanks for the cream comment, I was curious about that too!!
LOL! Thanks! I allways hated excersize but something changed in my brain recently and it is making me want to go to the gym everyday!! On the days I dont,I feel like I didn't do anything. As for the tips for babies...I used the gowns for boy and girl at night cause they make for a faster late night diaper change!!
If you master breast feeding it's completely fine to nurse in puplic! It's not like you can't use a blanket or those new cover ups, your whole booby isn't hanging out.
nursing pads-johnson n johnson are the best. i only had to use pads at night.
WOW, my very own post- I feel so SPECIAL!!!! Thanks for all the great advice, there was some stuff that no one else has mentioned before and I hadn't really thought about. I swear its the little stuff that is going to trick me! You are the best!!!
You sure have learned a lot in a few short weeks! My best advice, that you haven't already mentioned is recyle your grocery sacks to wrap up sintky diapers in!! If you put the diaper in and twist the bag and then wrap the top of the bag back around the diaper, it really holds the smell in! Anyway, it saves your nose for a while!
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