Sunday, August 31, 2008

Inherited Feet

As per request I am posting pictures of the feet. I kinda hate to do it, but it really is funny. I absolutely hate feet. I think that they are gross. I don't like anyone to touch mine or for anyone else's to touch me....with the exception of baby feet or really little kids feet. They are sweet then. When exactly do feet become gross? I don't know, but I just don't like them.

As Trevor would say, "You guys are freaks!" He thinks that my family's toes are totally bizarre and weird. Sorry're son has joined our ranks. We all have our second toe longer than the first. (This bottom picture is of my feet, my sister Taylor's, and my brother Kade's.)


Missy said...

That's funny! I'm the opposite. I love feet! Especially little ones. (OK, I do'nt like stinky feet, but that's all)

Jaime said...

That is SOOO funny!