Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Laughs Keep Coming

Yesterday I was dumb enough to tell Trevor that I don't have much control of my bladder anymore. This little man rolls all over the place and pushes on me to the point of making me wet my pants. This is no joke. Two times last week I had near accidents when he pushed hard enough to make a little dribble come out. Luckily I was close enough to a bathroom both times and I didn't actually end up peeing myself. Trevor was not only in disbelief, but a little disgusted with my current problem. Of course, no sooner that I told him this that I had my worse accident yet!!! Trevor had already climbed into bed and I was turning off lights and locking the doors when it happened. I knew I had to go to the bathroom, but I saw no harm in taking my cup to the sink before making it into the toilet. How wrong I was. Along came a sneeze that forced me to pee my pants! I had no control whatsoever!!! Well, I take that back...I did have enough control to stop it before I created a puddle on the floor, and I was able to finish my business in the bathroom. I said a choice word out loud and then just started laughing at the irony of having just had this conversation with Trevor not 2 hours before. Trevor can hear me and sits up in bed and asks what's going on, and I just march myself into the shower and tell him that I did in fact pee my pants. He died laughing (and still is today). When I got out of the shower, he being Mr. Funny Guy, said he wasn't sure he wanted to sleep in the bed with me if I thought I was going to wet the bed. Ha ha ha.

Then today, I saw Jeff Raban and he looked at me and said, "Don't you hate having proof of what you've been doing?" I laughed out loud and said, "I know. I think we all like to pretend that no one 'does it'."

Seriously, I know having a baby is a life altering experience, but I am fairly certain that pregnancy itself is pretty life altering.


Mary Anne said...

SO FUNNY! Sneezes often make me pee a little. It's embarassing and Dusty just laughs. I love the "proof of what you've been doing." I actually thought about that the other you see a couple walking holding hands and she's pregnant and you just know what they've been up to. I mean I know no one actually thinks that (well maybe they do), but it is kinda funny all the same.

You do such a great job taking pictures of yourself. I took SO MANY it was ridiculous. It's true though, even when I have Dusty do it he'll take a bunch and I'll look at them and think " need to tell me that I look that stupid before you take them!" And then we try again...

Erin said...

I got so excited for you when I saw that your little pregnancy ticker is on the LAST BABY!!!! YEA!!! That means its SUPER close. Of course, you're to the point of peeing yourself and that also shows how close you are. That truly is a funny story. I also liked the proof of what you've been doing. I think I'd feel a little awkward if someone said that to me! But it's funny all the same - and very true.

So my baby FINALLY went to sleep like 20 minutes after I talked to you, and then she slept all afternoon! Halelujia.

Bailey said...

You'll be pee your pants much faster with the second than the first! hehe! And maybe even not DURING pregnancy!

Gina Lee said...

You are funny. And I totally remember those days, and oh how I dont miss them! haha. And I hate to break it to you, but your bladder is never the same. I still wake up at night atleast once to pee. I can totally see Raben telling that to you. haha. The funny thing is when I told my parents I was pregnant all my dad sayed was "I'm disappointed in you for having sex!" haha. I had been married for like 2 years already!! Talk about major denial. haha And its probably better not to think of people people "doing it" as you said, sometimes the thought can be nausiating.

K. Bitton said...

I hate to say it Tay, but it only gets worse!! Your next pregnancy you may start to do that at 12 weeks, NO JOKE! By the third time around you will not be able to jump on any tramp, you'll have to stop every time you need to cough or sneeze just so you don't wet yourself. It's great! ;) That is such a funny story! At least you still have control over whether or not you can stop it mid stream...that tends to really wear off too.

Lindsey said...

I just got really excited when I saw you were on the last baby of your ticker- YAY!!! Also, I commend you for being so far along before peeing your pants is an issue. I have peed my pants 2 times and I am only 5 months along (although in my defense, it was due to really violent "morning sickness manifestations"-hope that didn't gross you out). Also, thanks for the bow maker tip, it is definitely looking like a must have!

Amy J said...

I LOVE those pictures. I was thinking I want to dress payton as a ladybug for halloween and this just confirmed it. so cute! And did I tell you my pant wetting stories? One time I wet myself and dannon laughed at me saying I peed my pants..but I was actually wearing his basketball shorts, so I peed HIS pants!

Bon said...

yeah, hate to say ditto, but the problem doesn't go away when the baby comes out. it's a lifelong curse for most mommies. practice those kegels ;)

kimber said...

Trevor walked in his sleep once and peed in the dishwasher. Oh wait..... nevermind. that was Mike.