Monday, May 16, 2011

Ryder is on the Move

Have you ever noticed that when you are trying to figure something out or working out a problem that once you finally give in and decide to ask for help that that's when the answer comes to you? Well, maybe it doesn't happen to you, but it happens to me all the time.

I guess that's all I needed to do with Ryder. I wrote about him being 8 months old and not crawling, and it didn't take him 2 days before he started doing it. (stubborn child..hehe)

It is most definitely not the traditional form of crawling. Ryder uses a variety of techniques to get wherever it is he wants to go. Sometimes he gets up on his hands and knees and just lunges forward. Other times he likes to use his arms to drag his body, you know, the good ole' reliable army crawl. But his favorite method involves him reaching out as far as he can with one arm and then he stretches our the other arm. It looks a lot like someone swimming out of the water.

Although Ryder does not love to be on his tummy and crawling can be frustrating enough to cause some tears, he also has lots of fun getting into his brother's fun and games. He grins the whole time while Brody is shouting out exclamations of: "Uh-uh! No! Dop it!" I have a feeling that this is only the beginning!

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