This last weekend we had graduation, and our cousin returned from his mission, and it was Memorial weekend. It meant that lots of friends and family were in town. A lot of the family either hadn't ever seen Ryder, or hadn't seen either of the boys in quite a while. We seemed to get the same reaction from everybody, and that was, "Wow. Ryder looks just exactly like Brody." I think that at times they look so different from one another, but the bigger Ryder gets, more and more he reminds me of Brody.
At church later on....
Lady: "Let me see that baby. You have the cutest little boys."
Me: "Thank you! I think they are pretty cute, but I guess all moms think that about their kids."
Lady: "Well, yeah, they do. But your kids REALLY ARE so cute."
Call me vain, call me shallow, I don't care.....but I seriously love to hear how cute my kids are from other people. I think when you become a parent you put on parental blinders. You know, the kind of blinders that can make you think that your kid should be a starter on the basketball team instead of sitting the bench where they probably belong, or that they are some sort of awesome star on the stage, when in reality they are kinda annoying? I like to think that I'll recognize when my kids may not be the best at something, but maybe not. I ask Trevor if our kids really are as cute as we think, or if its those blasted blinders? Having outsiders tell us quite often how handsome they are, makes me think that maybe we only have PARTIAL blinders.Maybe they are that cute....? Maybe beauty is just in the eye of the beholder.....?