Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Words?

A few weeks ago amongst all the babble Brody speaks we started to hear Ma mom mom. It all tends to run together and we thought that it was just something new to throw in the mix of yayaya da da ya. Then we started to realize that often times when he would say ma ma mom it would be when he was reaching for me. Coincidence? We weren't sure. More and more Brody has been saying Ma ma ma, but we think that he does actually understand who mom is. He mostly says it when he's tired or hungry, but nearly everytime he reaches for me when he says it. We are convinced he knows who mom is, but now that he knows how to say that, he sometimes just likes to say it in his ongoing babble. A few mornings ago instead of the usual noises Brody makes when he is waking up I heard, "Ma ma mom mom..." When I got to Brody's room he was standing up in his bed waiting for me to get him.
We are pretty sure that Brody is saying his first words, but maybe we are just really reaching and only imagining that he is saying mom!


Erin said...

Yay Brody! Brody, can you please teach Ellie how to say Mama?

Bailey said...

once they start talking...they start talking back. then they will say 'mom, get me that now' or 'momma, shut up' now my brody would NEVER say those things...but ya know...some kids do!:D

he's too precious, all the FIRSTS are the best. keep documenting them or you'll forget

Mary Anne said...

you got yourself a little genius on your hands taytum! that's so fun...and totally not your imagination because (like you've said before) you know him best!

Unknown said...

yay....babies are so precious! Happy mommies day :-)

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