Thursday, April 30, 2009

Editors Note

Not so long ago there was an incident where my son was spit on by his cousin. In my frustration I wrote out my anger on here. I really think that its necessary that I clarify a few things. I said some things like I could have caused "bodily harm" and that I could have "killed him" in that post. While I yes indeed did write those things, I did not in anyway actually mean them. That fierce protective anger was still running through me like an electric current at the time of my post. I would NEVER ever hurt that other little boy (or any little kid for that matter). The thought of me being the cause of harm to a kid makes me physically ill, but the problem with writing anything whether it be on a blog, email, letter, or a text, is that you cannot hear a person's tone of voice. I was being sarcastic, but I can totally see how that it might not seem that way.

There is that quote, "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me..." I think that that is not always the case. I think what I said, well wrote, was pretty hurtful, and for that I am sorry.


Erin said...

You crack me up.

Marcie Ashton said...

I knew what you meant....