Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Boy's Boy

Brody is nearly 2 years old and it never ceases to amaze me how much of a little boy he really is. I have blogged about it on more than one occasion and I guess its just because I am really believing more and more that boys come as boys. There is no denying that Brody is a boy through and through.

Brody is interested in trucks, all things noisy, messy, dirty, anything related to Daddy, and now he is especially into basketball. I do need to clarify that although such a boy, Brody is also quite sweet. He will cuddle up to us and give loves, play with my hair when tired, and rub his hands softly across our faces or arms. But the boy part of him outrules most sweet qualities.

My mom gave Brody a basketball hoop for Christmas this last year and he has played with it on and off through the past few months, but now he gets really into it! He makes us turn on the light in his room and then he'll just hang out and "shoot hoops." He really is pretty impressive and makes most shots and if he misses he claps his hands hard together and says, "OH!!!"

The NBA finals of course were on at our house the last few weeks and Brody sat with Daddy or stood near the tv shouting things like, "Go...go....go" when the players were running up and down the court and "Shoo-it (shoot it)" when they were near the basket, and loud exclamations of "OH!" when shots were missed. It cracks Trevor and I up because normally Brody has this sweet little voice that says hello and mommmy and daddy, but when it comes to basketball this deep, loud, man voice comes out!

It mostly makes me laugh when all the noise is going on from the game, to Trevor, and then down to Brody until I realize that I have another boy on the way! I will be even more outnumbered and I'm sure the noise will increase even more. I didn't think my sweet 2 year old could have so much testosterone running through his little body, but I guess they are born that way.


Bailey said...

Its even more fun when you add another little boy!!

MERN said...

So fun!! He is adorable!

Marybeth said...

He is the cutest little boy ever! I love his personality!

Krystin said...

Brody is so darn cute! Love it :) Hope you are feeling well.... oh and should I worry? they haven't asked kyle and i to do the dances this year, but noone has contacted us for any of the stuff yet.... i hope they aren't assuming we are doing it again this year :(