What could be worse than a mouse, you ask? Well let me tell you. I have figured it out. This something can be long or short. It can be several different colors, but usually green. It can grow to be fairly big around or it can be skinny. But it really doesn't matter the size, color, or the kind, because they are all gross! Have you guessed yet? Well, it's a snake. And believe it or not, but I had one in my house about two weeks ago. I did not take any pictures of it, and I have put off telling you all about it, because I hoped that if I pretended that it hadn't been on vacation in my house for about 3 days it might not have happened. Wrong....it did, and I definitely still think about it.
So, about two weeks ago, I walked into my kitchen and right on the floor by my sink was a snake! Of course I jumped up and started to scream bloody murder. I ran out of the kitchen, past Trevor on the couch, and into the bedroom. I was so freaked out that I couldn't even catch my breath enough to tell Trevor what I saw. He had just figured it was a mouse or something "trivial" like that so he hadn't even bothered to get up and see what I was screaming about. By the time I could spit it out, he couldn't believe it. He went to the kitchen, but by that time my screaming had it scared it off. It was on the loose....and we didn't know if it had left the building or simply gone incognito. All night there wasn't another siting, so Trevor assumed that the snake had been scared off and left our house.
The next day Trevor went to work and of course it came out again to visit me. I was literally shaking like a leaf, but I was prepared........I had a bucket to try and capture it with. It got away too fast! It slid under the stove. By this time we figured out that the snake liked it under there because it was warm. It also only seemed to come out in the open when the cooler wasn't on. Needless to say it made me have two very sleepless nights. For at this time no one except me ever saw the snake.
We had Trevor's parents and brother over on seperate occasions to try and catch the dang thing, but to no avail!!! We also came up with a theory as to how it got in. At the back of our house there is this skirting that hides the pipes and everything under the house. Well, the wind had been particularly nasty, and had knocked much of it down. We think the snake saw this as an open invitation and then found a whole where one of the pipes came in the house, and that is how he got to be there.
Finally on day three, I had the air on, so the snake shouldn't have been out. I walked to the laundry room to put the clothes in the dryer, when I saw the snake between the wall and my hutch. This was his new hangout. He had never ventured this far in the house! Of course I was freaked out but I grabbed the shovel that had waiting in the house and my bucket. I then called Trevor at work and he was luckily in town! He hurried home as quickly as he could, because the snake was trapped! He had no way out! Trevor got home and his brothers came out, and between them they were able to get the snake! I think a chorus of angels may have been singing on my behalf that day. It was not very fat, but it was fairly long. It was only a blow snake, but in my opinion a snake is a snake. The snake was released into the wild far, far from my house.
I don't think anything can be worse than a snake in the house. I still prowl around the kitchen expecting it to be there again. I don't think I'll ever forget that snake.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
It's Raining, it's Pouring
Finally an answer to the local prayers! It's raining!!! And it has been on and off every day for about a week. I know that the farmers and ranchers are especially grateful. Monsoon season has finally reached our part of the world. And it is definitely about time.
I went with Trevor last night to work for a couple of hours. We did it so that his workload would be a little less today, but I think that it was more work than it was worth. We are so happy for the rain, but because of it we were in one giant mess! On one trip to Round Valley there was a point that we could hardly see in front of us. Lightning was flashing all around and one time struck very near. I tried to get a picture of the lightning but it just wasn't happening.
"It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring......"
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Latest
A few months ago I got this vinyl lettering at an enrichment activity. I was going to give it to someone, but I finally decided I wanted it on my wall! And I love it!

Did you know that you can get a picture blown up to poster size on walmart.com? That is what I did with this wedding photo. It only cost 10 bucks, and I think it turned out great!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Most Wonderful Time of Year
No, it's not Christmas....it's the 24th of July! Woot-woo! I thought that I would post the activites, times, and costs for all you out-of-towners wanting to come. We are in charge of the dances so we are going to be SUPER busy! If any of you want to volunteer service I would be most grateful!
Tuesday & Wednesday, July 17 & 18
Volleyball Tournament: co-ed teams of 6 people. Entry fee: $5.oo. Round robin games begin at 6:00 pm on tuesday. Tournament games Wed. night at 6:00 pm.
Basketball 3on3 Tournament: teams of three people. Entry fee: $5.00. Same times as volleyball tournament.
Thursday, July 19
Junior Rodeo: Ages 0-16. Starts at 10 am at the rodeo grounds. Admission for ages 4 and under is free, 5-11 is $2.00, 12 & up $3.00. Registration is only on Wed. July 18, at county fair building
from 3:00 to 7:00
Swimming; Free swimming at the pool from 3:00-5:00
Chili Bean & Conrbread Dinner: Come eat at the park at 5:00 pm. Cost for 12 and up is $2.00 and under 12 is $1.50
Ice Cream Social: Free ice cream at the park starting at 5:30
Youth Dance: County fair building from 8:30-11:30. Ages 14-22. $3.00 per person. Water and soda available. Music by DJ.
Friday, July 20
Senior Rodeo: Rodeo begins at 1:00pm. Cost same as jr rodeo. Registration same time as jr. rodeo.
Campfire Circle: Circle "wagons" next to SJ airport at 4:00pm. Bring food, family, and friends.
Passing League football: Registration at high school at 5:00pm. Games begin immediately following registration.
Family Dance: 8:30-12:00pm. 4 and under free, 5-11 $3.00, 12 and up $5.00
Saturday, July 21
5k, 10k, 1 mile run/walk: Fee is $5.00. Registration 6am at Stake Center. Race begins at 6:30 am.
Pancake Breakfast: City park from 6:30-9:30am. Under 12 is $1.50, 12 & up $2.50
Parade: Begins 10am. entry deadline july 18th at 12pm.
Senior Rodeo: Same time, place, and cost as Friday.
Steak Fry: City park from 4:00-6:30. Under 12 is $5.00, 12&up $6.50. Steak, baked potato, salad, corn on the cob, rolls, water.
Adult Dance: 8:30-11:30 pm. Admission $5.00 per person. Ages 14 and up.
Now you know what's going on here! There are ticket sales available, if you want those prices let me know. I think it is cheaper to buy those than to pay at each individual thing, unless you plan on only going to some of the activities. Hope to see you all there!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
The Catwalk
My mom went on a field trip in May with Taylor's class. They went to Glenwood, New Mexico to go to the catwalk. She had never been before, so she got a new experience. They thought it was a really cool place. I went when I was in highschool, but it's been about 5 years. Kade hasn't ever been and so this weekend he asked my mom if they could all go. Trevor and I were invited along, which was great because he's never been either.
The hike is not too bad, but if you are so not in shape like me, it's a little rough. It's mostly uphill, and if you go when we did, you might feel like you are going to die of heat! I think it is about a three mile hike once you go up and back. If you ever go, just remember to take lots of water. We didn't think to take a lot. We thought we could share a few bottles of water, but it wasn't enough. It was so beautiful and I loved it, but I'm not going to lie, nature and I....we aren't friends! By this I just mean, that although this is fun, it's not up my alley. I don't like camping or hiking or whatever. My mom told me on the way up that she really isn't either, so I guess that's where I get it.
After we got back, we had packed lunch so we sat at one of the picnic tables and ate together. It was so fun to be there together. It was so pretty, so worth all the sweat!!! If any of you haven't been you should definetly go. I just recommend you start fairly early, pack a lunch to eat when you get done, take lots of water, and wear a swimsuit underneath so you can play!
Catwalk pictures
There were quite a few fish in the water, and Trevor thought he would try to catch one with his bare hands. Nature must bring out the "manliness" in men. Soon after, Kade took a try at it as well, but neither were successful.
Taylor kept making ugly faces, and so I told her I would make one for her. This picture is just for her.
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