Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Growing Bigger and Stronger

There are definitely some good things about having your kids around the same time of year. One is that all the clothes that fit Brody fit Ryder at the same time. They are roughly the same sizes during the same seasons so I have had very few things to buy for Ryder (poor second child, I know). The other beautiful thing is, I can schedule their yearly wellness check-ups at the same time. Instead of making the 90 mile round trip twice, I only have to make it once. Granted, having to plan one birthday party and make a cake and then turning around and doing it so soon again doesn't leave much 'recovery' time for mom, but the benefits of them being born around the same time far out weigh the disadvantages.

So over to the the pediatrician's office we went on Monday. Brody was scheduled for his 3 year wellness check-up, and Ry was scheduled for his 1 year wellness check-up. I knew Ryder was due for shots (4 to be exact) and was prepared for his screaming. What I didn't know we were going to have to do was take Brody to get his blood drawn because now the dr.'s like to do that yearly to check for lead poisoning (?) and a couple other things too I think. Brody was pretty tough through it all and only whined for about a second when they put the needle in and that was it.

Besides doing the lovely shots, they got examined, weighed, and measured. This is always something I look forward to because I love seeing how much they have grown and how much their growth stacks up against the kids their age. I see them with my own eyes everyday and know that they are growing, but its nice to see it written down. AND its definitely nice to hear from the pediatrician that your kids are as perfect as you think they are.

Brody's 3 year stats:

Height- 38inches - 59%

Weight- 34.4lbs. - 74%

Ryder's 1 year stats:

Height- 30inches - 57%

Weight- 24lbs. - 68%

Both my boys have averaged out some, so I was surprised to see that their weight was up again for their age. I was really REALLY surprised that Brody's weight was higher for his age than Ryder's was because Brody has become a finnicky eater lately that I have to constantly tell to 'take another bite' or 'eat your dinner' or 'chew your food', while Ryder polishes off all of his food and feels that anybody else's food left within his reach is completely fair game.

Overall, our boys are growing great! Bigger and stronger each day. The doctor seemed to feel that the progress they are making is right on track, if not better, so we must be doing something right!

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