Friday, October 27, 2006

Boys will be boys

Have you ever noticed that no matter the age, you can't take the boy out of a man? When Trevor and I went to Utah for conference with his parents, we decided to take a much more scenic route. We went to the famous Lee's Ferry crossing where many many pioneers crossed. It was also known as the honeymoon trail. So I was taking pictures when I turned around and saw Trevor leaning way over the edge. I asked him what he was doing, and he was trying to spit and make it land in the water. That is right, SPIT! I would expect that from a boy, but not my husband! I'm sure many of you can appreciate the humor in this! No wonder Trevor gets along so well with his nephews, Grant (age 3) and Preston (age 1)!


Heidi Joncas said...

No matter how old or how many responsablities a man has, he will always be a little boy.

Anonymous said...