That's right! We finally poured sidewalks(with some help from Trevor's dad and brother). Finally no more mud tracked into my house. Who knew that something as petty as cement could give us such happiness, but it really does! We are one step closer to not being in the middle of a giant patch of dirt and tumbleweeds.
We stayed busy (we as in Trevor while me and the boys we were just onlookers) all week with preparing for the sidewalks and also getting gravel dumped for our driveway areas.
We aren't rich ever going to get rich at the jobs we have, we don't have relatives that have money to pay for things, we haven't inherited money nor will we ever inherit money, and we aren't going to win the lottery because we don't play it and even if we did I have no luck so it looks like one project at a time, one year at a time. Sidewalks down....only a deck, well, grass, trees, and other plants, shed, fence, and other projects on our wish list to go!