Friday, August 24, 2012

Once in a Lifetime

One thing Trevor and I do quite often is drive up to the airport when a cool plane or helicopter flies in.  We have a small rinky-dink airport, but to our boys its totally legit.  Our house is near enough to the airport that we hear the helicopters and will hurry in our car so that the boys can see it land.  We don't do it always, but when we do, Ryder and Brody think its the best!

Today we were out and about and heard a really loud noise.  I kept looking around me wondering where it was coming from, when not 1, not 2, but THREE military helicopters flew over us.  The boys thought they were so neat!  I hurried to the airport so they could get a closer look as they landed.

When we pulled up outside the gate, I got Brody and Ryder out and put them on the hood of the car.  Ryder immediatley started waving (let me add, we were NOT the only nosey {i prefer INTERESTED} onlookers) even though I'm sure no one in the helicopters noticed.  The noise from propellers was slightly deafening, but the kids just loved every second.

After the helicopters moved into place to fuel up, they turned off the engines and I let the kids walk a little closer.  I didn't think we were really allowed to be beyond the first gate, so I was hesitant to even do this.

It must have been our lucky day.  You see, many of the fully military dressed men had gone to areas to smoke and paid no attention to us, but a pilot from the first helicopter saw my cute little boys and made a beeline to us.  He asked if they would like to take a closer look once they were done fueling up.  Without hesitation I answered, yes.  I don't know if I was more excited or the boys!

Once things were all clear he motioned us over.  Not only did he let us get up close and personal with this barely year old (and totally awesome) helicopter, but he lifted my boys up into the pilot's seat!  They were in heaven!  He told Brody he would let him try on a helmet, but didn't want to mess up his hair.  This kind man patiently answered Brody's questions about what certain buttons did, and showed him how to pull a trigger that allows them to talk to one another.  Ryder would fidget in his seat and when I would ask if he wanted down it was always, "no! no!"  I kept wishing I had my camera with phone just didn't do the situation credit!

The man told us they were coming from New York and heading to California.  I asked where in New York and he told me upstate.  When he said that I told him that my husband served a mission for our church in that exact area and when he mentioned his base being just outside Watertown, I remembered Trevor talking about that place.  When I called Trevor later, he even told me that he knew exactly what base this man came from because as a missionary he went into that base.  Such a small world we live in!  I think Trevor might have been a little jealous that he missed out.... 

It was such a neat experience for us all.  Countless times we have watched the planes and helicopters land and take off from our airport, but never has anyone let us do this.  I think this man saw my little boys and thought of his own son back home, who he said was the same age as our Ry, and knew how exciting and fun it would be for them to see the helicopter closer.

As we left not only did our boys say thank you to him, but Brody said, "thank you for all you do."  I am always 100% grateful for our military men and women, but for this particular one to take a few minutes out of his busy time to do something a little extra, I was especially grateful.  I was reminded how lucky we are for men and women like him that protect our country, and for their families that are back home sacraficing time with their loved ones.

Such a great day.  Such an awesome experience. 


Mary Anne said...

How cool is that?! I think your phone pictures are pretty good actually! Thank heavens you had that much! What an awesome thing. I am sure they (or at least Brody...) will remember that for a very long time. I love kind and thoughtful people.

Mary Anne said...

Oh, and let me point out that you taking them to the airport thing is such a good mom thing to do!!! Not sure I would be adventurous enough to do that so spur of the moment. High five to you.

Julie said...

So cool! We drove out there but a little too late. My mom ALWAYS. Drove us to the AirPort to see whatever was landing. We loved it so I try to do it with my kids when I notice a helicopter landing! Your boys will remember it forever with fondness!