So much has changed about our little dude since then. He seems SO big. Probably because he IS so big. Its been a while since we've been to the dr. and had him weighed but I would guess he's somewhere between 18 and 20 pounds.

Ryder thoroughly enjoys eating. He just recently quit nursing. Poor boy loved it, but Mommy just runs dry about this time. So we're on to bottles, and although its nice on the pocketbook and for health reasons to nurse, its like a whole new sense of freedom has come over me. Yay! Ryder doesn't discriminate when it comes to baby foods...he likes them all! If we seem to be taking too long between bites of food Ryder will let out some loud man yells at us...meal time is serious business around here! I don't think he seems to favor any baby food over others, but he cannot have carrots because it makes him have serious digestion problems. Because of these issues Ryder gets apple juice everyday....something Brody never had this early on.

Ryder continues to be a rocker/shaker/bouncer, whatever you want to call it. He just doesn't sit still. If you are holding him, you better make sure you have a pretty good grip because at some point (even if you're standing) he will begin to move.
No words yet. Just yelling somedays, and sounds like bah-bah-bah. There's always giggling and smiling going on, and if you are lucky you'll get to hear the sweetest little cooing noises.

Ryder love, love, LOVES his brother. If Brody makes crazy noises or is jumping around it makes Ryder laugh. Before I put Ryder down for bed at night Brody insists on giving 'loves and kisses.' Ryder smiles through the whole process. Every morning when Ryder's cheerful little self wakes up his brother loves to run in the room and peek through the crib and say 'good morning baby Ryder!!!' And yes, he is still BABY Ryder to Brody. We wonder how long it will take before he stops calling him this and just says Ryder.
Ryder I would say is slightly more challenging as a baby then Brody was, but everyday gets better as he seems to gain more personality, more independence, and just becoming all around more fun. He is a joy to have in our home and we couldn't imagine our lives without our two little boys!
What a handsome little guy! dont worry about the crawling he will want to do it when they are ready. i had to realize that fro mya didnt want to walk till after she was 1. i love that brody loves to give hugs and kisses to his brother. nothing cuter than seeing brotherly love. happy 8 months ryder!
I bet he'll be Baby Ryder until your next baby comes along! What a cutie he is. I YES the freedom of not nursing anymore. I can't relate. Canon lasted until about a week ago, and good golly I love it.
I hate when I have errors in my comments. I apologize for the extra I before YES...
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