The windiest city in America may be Chicago, but did you know that the windiest town is Springerville, AZ? Being that they are the closest town to us, it means when they have nasty windy weather its just about as bad here. So after being cooped up in the house most of the winter and ready to get out and enjoy the warmth of spring, we have been stuck indoors because of the wind. No joke, the past two weeks have been particularly nasty but the week before was nice and the week before that was also gross. It is really hard to plan any sort of outdoors activities.
I'm not just talking about a little breeze. I'm talking downright crazy gusts that can be 50 mph! Don't believe me? Then you aren't from St. Johns and you haven't ever visited here. I somehow get piles of dirt blown in through cracks in doors and windows that the naked eye cannot even see! This is not exagerating at all!
I hate to admit it, but Brody watches far too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and movies because of this. He plays a ton, but the t.v. is also on quite a bit.
To pass the time indoors we have many a deep conversation.
B: "Mom, wets(lets) talk about.....(long pause)....Dragon Movie!"
Me: "Really? How about something else?"
B: "Um....(more pause) wets talk about Tang-ole (Tangled)!"
Me: "What about Tangled (as I think to myself we watch too many movies)?"
B: "Fwinn (flynn) Rider and Punzel (rapunzel). Girl have magic hair! You have magic hair, Mom!"
Me: "I do?!"
B: "Ya! You sure does!"
We do the standard indoor boy stuff too like play with cars, and blocks. Sometimes if I'm really lucky Brody yells from his little play kitchen that he's "Cookin' sumpin a-you Mom!" I love when he wants to cook me something! Maybe that will someday translate into him ACTUALLY cooking something for me.
Then we have days (they don't happen often) where I decide to try my hand at being creative. I turn a stick, piece of string, and paperclip into a fishing pole and some colored paper into little fishies. It is a pathetic attempt, but Brody thinks I'm the coolest mom ever so we go with it....

Please weather, turn nice! This mom isn't going to come up with many other ideas. I am tired of days where we stay in our jammies all day and watch movies! We are so ready to play outside in the dirt, enjoy days at the park, run in sprinklers, and go to the pool. So if you are in AZ and dealing with a windy day, think of us, remember that if its windy there its probably 3 times as bad here!