Time has just flown by since we have had this little guy! Having Ryder was SO much harder than Brody, and recovery has continued to be hard. I never got completely rid of my headache and by week 11 of post-delivery and still no relief the doctor sent me to get an MRI. Luckily they found out that I was no longer leaking spinal fluid, so that wasn't the problem, but the bad thing was they don't know what is. However, by week 12 my headache somehow started to heal itself. I cannot tell you how much better I feel. You don't know how good you feel until you feel bad. We have been extremely blessed though, with another good baby. He isn't the natural born sleeper like his brother (he's doing better!!!), but he is just so pleasant. He hardly cries, he eats well, he smiles a ton, and is just super mellow. As hard as a time I have had, he makes me feel like I want more. I can't get pregnant now (I have an IUD in), and truthfully I wouldn't really want to be, but if it happened I don't think I would be sad. Ryder is just so awesome that he makes me want more. He is just sweet!
Ryder will be 3 months old in a few days, but when we went to the dr. for his 2 month
appointment he weighed 14 lbs 8 oz! That is exactly one pound heavier than Brody was at that age. It puts him in like the 96% for his age. Ryder is also in the 86% for his height, but he is almost an inch shorter than Brody was at 2 months.
Currently Ryder is cooing, smiling, and observing everything. He loves all of us, but he is always extremely interested in what his big brother is doing. He watches Brody anytime he is near. Ryder is still holding off on laughing, but he makes up for it with all the smiles and all the "talking" he does. He is such a delight to have in our home. I feel like I can't get enough of him.
We could not have gotten a better baby. We all love our sweet, smiley, chubby "baby Ry-er."
1 comment:
Glad you are feeling better. He is super cute!
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