Friday, October 22, 2010

Duplicate Copy

Being the mom I can see the subtle differences in the way Brody and Ryder look (emphasis on subtle), but more and more they are looking alike. People are always saying that Ryder looks exactly like Brody. Even Steve Crosby (my mom's bishop) said while looking at Ryder, "Well, he looks like a ditto..." Haha! That's the best description I've heard...Ryder is just the ditto to Brody! I guess you have to be the judge.
If you want to know the real truth though, I kinda wanted our boys to look alike I didn't want them to look totally different from one another. I love when you see little brothers and sisters playing together and they all have a similar look. I want to be able to tell that they belong together and I think that you definitely can with Brody and Ryder.


123123 said...

They are both totally adorable!! I think Ryder looks more like you and Brody looks more like Trev. :)

Unknown said...

So cute! I love it :-) It's so much fun to pick out differences and put together the differences in personality!

Julie said...

Wow, they are pretty dang similar aren't they. I would say Ryder has a darker complection, like the Stradlings.

Bailey said...

They are both stinkin' cute! They have similarities but I think they look different.