Ryder has been with us for 5 weeks now and other than the sporadic sleeping, (and of course that first hard week for me) things couldn't be better! Brody's transition from being an only child to an older brother has been pretty seamless. He is such an awesome brother!!!

The day we were having Ryder I left our house really emotional. I just couldn't even talk about Brody without tearing up. I was super excited for him to become a big brother, but there was also a little sense of guilt. I knew we were going to completely rock his world in just a matter of hours. Nothing was ever going to be the same again. I love having siblings and have become especially grateful for them as I got older, so I knew that giving Brody a sibling was probably one of the greatest gifts he could ever get, but I worried that maybe he wasn't ready. Was it too soon? Had we prepared Brody enough for the arrival of Ryder? Could his 2 year old mind really understand that we loved him as much as this new intruder that was taking up so much of our time?
Things at the hospital were crazy and Brody had had a long day so he didn't really seem too interested in his brother. He did plant a kiss or two but he didn't seem to care all that much. When we came home from the hospital the first thing Brody said was, "Bowie hode baby Ry-er." He wanted to hold Ryder!!!

Things have only continued to get better. Brody has been the best big brother. I couldn't ask for a better big brother for Ryder. Brody is interested in Ryder without being overbearing, he doesn't ignore him, and he doesn't act jealous at all. If Ryder cries he makes sure to tell me. He runs into my bedroom to check on the baby, and loves to give Ryder his pacifier. Of course, Brody is 2 so he can't be perfect all the time....Ryder's eyes have been poked on occasion and he's been bounced a little too hard in his seat, but its all out of curiosity or in trying to be "helpful" its never out of being mean.

I was so excited to have 2 boys together because I wanted them to be buddies, and although Ryder is too young now for them to be playing but there is definitely some bonding going on. I love the idea of watching them grow up together....I can't wait to watch them cycle through being buddies, enemies, competitors, companions, and just plain brothers.