I know that I haven't posted any pictures in a while, but I really haven't had any to post, but today I will show you a little piece of our Christmas holidays this year. There was a light parade one weekend and

Trevor's work decorated one of their trucks. Well, that is, he and I decorated one of his trucks. It may not look like it but we spent HOURS working on this truck! We even spelled the company name "blue hills" in blue lights on either side of the truck. My camera didn't take t

he best pictures of the lights, but you get the general idea. There were quite a few good floats. One of the local power plants built this train that looked like it could be the polar express. There was smoke and everything coming out of it. My little sister's 5th grade class also put a couple floats in the parade and my step-dad pulled one of them with a red tractor that he decorated with red lights. He was so prou

d of his tractor, he was waving all big and smiling. We just loved it. You wouldn't know from the look on his face that he was freezing!
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