I have a few friends who are on here, and I thought that it would be good for my husband, Trevor, and I to also start a blog of our own. I have one on another site, but this will be nice for our families and friends I think.
Trevor and I were married on January 6th, 2006, and it has been a pretty good 9 months so far. Married life continues to be great, but has also presented challenges that I don't think you ever know until you get married. I didn't bargain for picking up Dr. Pepper cans all the time, but on the flipside I don't think Trevor knew how bad of a clean freak I can be! Overall the little quirks we each have seem to be something to joke about, and we learn to love those things about one another.

There's not much more to say now. I will work on getting some pictures up. Or for that matter, taking some pictures. I don't think we've taken any since we got married! Photograph overload I guess!
Hello Taytum!
I havn't talked to you in a life time. I am glad to hear from you and I would love to see you.
Yeah its time to have kids for sure they are the best thing ever hey Taytum we should meet up and all have dinner or something! Jeremiah Blogs are the best
Thats okay you missed my shower. I'll forgive you this time! I'm glad you got a blog, they are actually really fun to do!
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