On the 9th we finally made it to my first doctor's appointment. It was kind of a big one being that I was more than 19 weeks along and I was getting not only the regular appointment but an ultrasound too! We made it a family affair and took the boys along too so they could see their baby brother or sister.
Everything about this ultrasound was different from my other two previous ones with Brody and Ryder. The ultrasound tech was a man, the room was bigger, the equipment was newer, they even had a second screen mounted on the wall so we could see better.
First things first were all the measurements; chambers of the heart, spine, head, body, etc. When we got a view of the baby's entire spine Brody says, "it kinda looks like a alien...." This of course made the tech guy give a little chuckle, but even more so to Trevor and I because we aren't sure that he even really knows what an alien is.
Then we got to hear the heartbeat and see it beating. Ryder says in this little creepy sounding voice while sitting on his daddy's lap, "scaaarrryyy....." I think the dim lights and unfamiliar noise had him worried. The baby's heart rate was over 150 beats per minute which made me think maybe there was a possibility we were having a girl.
The tech asked if we wanted to see the baby's sex an within seconds of us answering yes we saw boy parts! I looked at Brody and told him he was going to have another brother! He insisted, "no, it's still just a girl." I had to say, "no buddy, that was his buns and weiner (excuse the terminology!)....its a boy." This made the tech give a little laugh again and Brody scrunched his nose up and smiled. For as much as he had wanted a sister he got over it pretty fast.
The ultrasound was over before we knew it. It was much shorter than my other ones. We didn't even get a 3d/4d one! I was so bummed to not get a good look at our little man. We could clearly see him give us the thumbs up, but never a good profile shot or anything. Luckily, I was told they would give me another one in a few weeks and it would be in 3d/4d. 2 ultrasounds in one pregnancy! I have never had that. I am so excited!
We were settled into the rest of the appointment when Trevor asks me, "are you okay?" Meaning are you so bummed that you aren't getting a girl? I honestly could answer that I was okay. I would love a girl. I want a girl. Me getting a girl? Probably not in the cards. I never got my hopes up. I was really and truly so worried about the baby being okay, that I was just feeling relieved. I have said that if we have 3 boys in a row I might be done. I got that ultrasound and I knew I really didn't feel that way. I still want 5 kids, even if they are all boys. I told Trevor, "maybe we'll just have a whole basketball team. we can just have 5 very good looking boys like Mitt Romney does. that doesn't sound so bad to me..."
The nurse practitioner came in and said everything looked good. My due date is June 1st. Baby boy was measuring exactly for that date. Normally their size can vary a few days, but he wasn't. June 1st it is.
We left the doctor's, got my blood work done, and then went to get some pizza because we were all starving! As we sat eating Trevor said he thought we needed to pick a name NOW. There are about 20 people just in our tiny town that are expecting babies between May and August and he said he thought if we picked a name and put it out there then no one could accuse us of "stealing" their name, or if we heard a name we liked we wouldn't not pick it because someone else had. Trev even said, I don't care if someone does pick the same name, but if we say now then we didn't take it. Great. I like having a name to call the baby. Only one problem. We hadn't been able to agree on any boy names. We have had a girl name set. Boys? Not so much.
I turned and asked Brody what we should name the baby. He said, "Mr. Smee!" Hmmm....captain hook's trusty right hand man? I don't think so....
Moving on. Trevor asked me my top 5 favorite names. I have pregnancy brain. I couldn't remember my favorites. He said he liked Tanner. I like that name a lot, but was it what I wanted? I told him my favorite name of all right now is Nash. He said that he liked it! What? When previously mentioned that was not one he was a big fan of! Nash had grown on him. He like it! Nash it is! Now for a middle name. This took a little longer to decide. Were we going to stick with 'J' middle names like the other boys? I didn't really care if we didn't, but if we did what 'J' names did we like? We had a few picked out, but we needed one that sounded good with our single syllable last name and Nash's single syllable first name. It came down to Jaxon or Jentry. I liked Jentry best, and Trevor didn't care so Jentry it is! Nash Jentry Waite has a very nice ring to it....
Next was telling everyone the news. We made it facebook official and sent texts out to family. We are going to be the proud parents of three healthy little boys.
I had been so feeling like everyone would be disappointed about us having another boy. Trevor said it was all in my head. As days went by, and we told more people without fail everytime I said the word 'boy' I got the same reaction, a head tilt and a 'oh...another boy...?' I wasn't crazy! People are like invested in the gender of our kids and seem to be so bummed. I'm not bummed, so why should they??? After getting this response for several days I finally asked Trevor if he was getting it to and he said he was too! Head tilt and all! I have only had 2 ladies seem happy for us. One even exclaimed, "Now you can say My Three Sons (like the old tv show)!"
That's right....My Three Sons. Or better yet, "Our Three Sons" it sounds good to me. Brody Jay. Ryder Joel. Nash Jentry. It is going to rowdy, loud, and crazy!