Trevor asked, "Isn't a zoo, a zoo?" Um. no. Not really. The 2 zoos we have visited don't even have elephants. How crazy is that?

We were totally unprepared for how freaking huge that place is! Holy cow! It was pretty insane, really. If we had been smarter we would have gone on the free bus tour they offer and then just visited the animals we really were interested in.

Man it was a funny day. First off, they have a humingbird exhibit and I think one of them escaped and it went zooming through this area where we were and hit the glass window separating the animals from us, and fell on Ryder. Ry is a pretty tough kid, and not much gets to him but that freaked him out! Me too. Trevor had to pluck the poor hummingbird off his shirt and lay it to rest next to the glass it crashed into. After that it was smooth sailing and some funny, must-be-remembered things Brody said. 

At nearly every animal Brody would ask, "What's that?" He knew some, but he just wanted to hear us say it I guess. After asking me this about the spotted animal in front of him I told him it was a leopard. He exclaims to Trevor, "Wook Dad! Its a wep-ard!...not a tiger (said with some sort of super authority like he's an expert)."

We get to one of the many different breeds of gazelle's they have on the grounds and he tells us, "Those fings are attending (pretending) to be rein-gear (reindeer)" Man oh man, buddy nothing gets past you....silly gazelles....who do you think you're fooling?

Then we get to a large white bird with a fancy yellow hair-do and of course Brody asked what it was and when I told him it was a SECRETARY bird he says, "Oh. A sexy bird." That one was met with a few chuckles from near passers-bys.

When we saw the panda's Brody thought that they looked like Poe from Kung Fu Panda. That was also an animal he had never seen in person.

It was another fun filled day in California. We wore the boys out everyday, and Ry didn't last very long this day. After all the going and going we had done Ry had enough and was out cold before too long. Once again a great day in California, but believe me it was so nice to leave for home the next day. We loved being in California, but we loved coming home to our normal life, with a normal routine, and in our own home and beds!