A month ago at his 4 month check-up Ryder weighed 16 pounds 1 ounce and I think was 25 and 1/2 inches long. That is the exact same weight as his brother at 4 months but about a half inch shorter. I love to compare their differences! Since that last weigh in he has really begun to eat rice cereal, applesauce, pears, peaches, squash, and bananas and I think it shows. He seems so much heavier to me!

Ryder enjoys LOTS of attention, but especially from his mommy! It seems that he is so much more needy than Brody. They both want my attention, but this kid DEMANDS it! If I'm sitting near him but don't talk to him or look at him for a while he starts to squawk and yell until I will.
He is still mostly a happy baby. He laughs and smiles without hesitation. He still struggles with sleep. He sleeps, but it doesn't come naturally. It is a constant work in progress. Some days are good, others not so good. He was sick for the first time this week with a cold and that has made sleep impossible! Ryder can sit up with just a little assistance. He still only can roll over onto his tummy but not back onto his back. Most of the time when he rolls over it takes only a matter of seconds before he starts yelling because he hates it. 
As far as the future goes I'm a little concerned for my sanity. He loves to play with Brody already and Brody for the most part loves it too, but I often hear him telling Ryder to "dop (stop) it." I can already forsee Brody running down the hall and slamming his door once Ryder really becomes mobile. Brody's OCD/oldest child issues are really going to be tested when Ryder follows him to his room and gets into his train or other toys. Ryder also cannot sit still. He rocks back and forth when sitting on your lap. I don't know if this means he's going to be hyper-active or just a mover, but either way its going to get crazy in a short few months....
pray for us!