A long time ago, before there was xbox or Wii there was a little thing called Nintendo. Its where Mario brothers got its start. Both Trevor and I grew up with one in our homes. I believe ours eventually stopped working and got thrown out and Trevor's ended up in an attic and has now disappeared. I was never really any good at nintendo. My brother was the true expert and anytime I got into a level I couldn't pass he would take over for me.
Lots of good memories playing Nintendo for both Trevor and I. We have talked about getting a Wii, but just can't stand the thoughts of paying so much for something we really wouldn't use that often. Then we thought maybe we'd just try to find one of our old Nintendos, but alas....nothing could be found. I had looked into buying one off ebay but everytime I looked it was too expensive.

Flash forward to Christmas morning 2010 at my mom's house. Trevor got a card with a picture of a nintendo. My mom got him one for Christmas, but it got lost in shipping and wasn't here yet!!! Because of all the mix up they sent extra stuff so we ended up with 2 controllers, the gun, and 4 games(mario brothers was the only one Trev was interested in)!
Once we got it and set it up, wouldn't you know that Brody got hooked. The original Mario brothers game also has the duck hunting on it, and Brody loves it! Maybe it isn't the best game for him to be playing since he says , "Browie shoo-it (shoot it) duck all day." And he really would shoot ducks all day if I'd let him, but we limit the time. Anytime he misses a duck he shouts, "oh man!" It is so funny!
Old school nintendo! Thats what we're all about at our house these days!