When you point to my belly and ask Brody who is in there he says, "Ry-er", and lately he'll even say "baby Ry-er." Nearly every night he makes me pull my shirt up and he'll rest his hand on my stomach or gently rub his hand back and forth and say the baby's name. He is so sweet, but I just don't know if he realizes that there is an actual baby in there. An actual baby that is going to come and invade his world! 

When we pulled up to the dr.'s office last week he pointed at the door and said, "mommy...ry-er." Its so funny to me that he knows so much. When we went in and heard the heartbeat he would tell the nurse, "ry-er noise.." and during the week if we asked him what kind of noise Ryder makes he makes this growling type sound that I think is supposed to be a heartbeat!
Most days I think Brody is going to love this baby. Yesterday while he was sitting on the bathroom counter I was combing hair. Unfortunately for Brody his Mommy's round baby bump is right at his eye level when he sits there. Totally unexpected, Brody leans forward and gives my belly a big kiss. I know what a sweet and tender little Brody can be, but I was really surprised at this. He got a big grin on his face and told me, "Bowie kiss Ry-er." Talk about melting my heart!
Hopefully having Ryder come live with us won't be too much of a shocker. I'm thrilled to have these two boys grow up and be buddies and play together, but I do worry that initially it might be a little rough for our Brody boy. We have talked a lot, so we'll keep our fingers crossed for smooth sailing!