That night was Stormy's reception. All along we knew that they had a movie themed reception. I could never wrap my head around the whole theme. I thought it was a cute idea and super fun, but I always think weddings should be ELEGANT. How was this supposed to be pretty? But it really was! I was so impressed! It was still fun, but it was so nice! Because you were supposed to feel like you were at the movies they had nachos, popcorn, and candy. They had a dj and a little music video that they made. It was really fun. 

This weekend we had the reception here. It stressed my mom out, and she worried a lot, but truthfully I think it turned out GREAT! We were able to bring a lot of the decor from the first reception, but they were definitely not the same. I think they were equally nice. The only thing I think was a little disappointing, was that for all the invitations we sent out, a lot of people didn't make it to our reception. There were 3 different tournaments going on that made a lot of families be out of town, and its a really hard time of year to plan weddings, but we still thought there would be more. My wedding was kinda the same way, but we also didn't get married at the greatest time of year. I always find it surprising who ends up coming, and who doesn't. There are people that I thought would for sure be there that weren't, and then there were those that I never thought would come at all but did. Very interesting.....

I was asked at the first reception to give the newlyweds some advice on their wedding video. I was put on the spot and couldn't think of anything. I did end up telling them congrats, and to come home often, but I couldn't think of one other thing to say! Of course on our way home I thought of plenty things! So I'll give a little now: (this is something I am still working on and learning more and more) when you get married you are really two seperate people from two seperate families. There are things each of you have grown up doing a certain way, whether that be holiday traditions or just the way you load the dish washer... there are bound to be things you do differently. The thing to realize though is that just because your significant other does something different than you it doesn't make it wrong. Learn ways to compromise or figure out what works best for you two.
We love you guys, congrats again....and have fun on your honeymoon cruise this week (I am SO jealous!!!)