As of today Brody weighs 25.8 lbs. That is up 2 pounds since his last appointment 3 months ago. He has also grown a half an inch, which puts him at exactly 31 inches tall. He seems to be growing well, learning, and changing each day.

The list of things Brody strongly dislikes is much smaller: food (that is when he is getting teeth like the current 4 molars), being told no, getting his diaper changed, and getting clothes put on (once there on he's fine, but before that....), and milk in a sippy cup (that only goes in bottles apparently).
Brody can do lots of things now too: run, climb, point out his head, eyes, ears, nose tongue, tummy, and toes when you ask where those things are, he nods yes all the time when he wants something, he says dunt, nop (sometimes dop), gog, and nononono which roughly translates to don't, stop, dog, and no-no (yeah thats right....no nice words like mommy or daddy) he tells my mom's dog to shush, Brody gives squeezes and kisses (our favorite!), and high fives followed by "pounding it" or knuckles as some people say.

I could go on forever about this kid, but thats all for now. Besides, I don't think anyone besides Brody's mommy and daddy really find this stuff remarkable!