I can't believe that June is nearly over! The summer has always been my favorite time of year and I think that it goes by faster each year. Not a whole lot is going on for us, and yet it seems a lot. Trevor is busy with work and I am busy at home with an ever increasing active little boy.
Brody grows and grows each day. I am already forgetting the time when he was first born. I took a picture of a new baby in our ward for our newsletter and she made a few of the little grunts and sounds a newborn makes and it made me think, "Did Brody ever do that?" Of course he did, but I just don't remember it! Brody stands all by himself, but refuses to walk without assistance. If you let go and he knows it, he sits himself down and crawls to wherever it is he wants to go. He also has 6 teeth now. Brody is starting to dislike baby food more and more by the day. He just wants to eat what we have. He likes any sort of beans, potatoes, rice, cereal, fruit, and cheese! Yum yum. 
Trevor, as I said before, has been busy with work. He has always enjoyed his job, and he continues to enjoy it. There is hardly ever a day where he comes home from work just really tired of it all. Of course, there are days when he gets annoyed by certain things, but overall he just likes work. Basketball camp is coming up pretty soon and he'll be gone for that, but we really don't have any traveling plans this summer. We won't be in charge of the 24th of July dances this year and that is a huge relief to both Trevor and me! Good luck to Kyle and Kristin Wahl.....
As for me, I am just enjoying life in general. Brody and I go to the pool during mom and tot swim time and really like it. Brody doesn't get super excited about it, but I think he enjoys it. I mostly think he gets a look on his face like he's too cool for it all. I have had a good time getting sort of reaquainted with my brother since his return from his mission. He has really gotten to know Brody and loves spending time with him. I am also in the process of getting a blog started for my ward's relief society. It is truly a work in progress and I'm sure there are websites for other wards that are ten times better, but we'll see how this goes for now. My calling is putting together the monthly newsletter for the relief society, but they asked me to try starting a blog as well. It mostly just has the information on it that my newsletter has or will have, but it may end up more detailed. You can check it out at: http://meadowswardrs.blogspot.com/
Other than that, we have been spending time grilling hamburger and hot dogs, going for rides in the car, and just generally hanging out. I can't wait for the 4th of July and the 24th this year. I fully intend on enjoying all of it this year and not hiding out like I did last year due to being huge and at the end of my pregnancy!