On the 6th Trevor and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. Due to lack of money the day was just spent in the highschool gym watching Trevor coach basketball. Whether we could do anything fancy or not isn't really important, but I did think our anniversary should at least be acknowledged.Lots and lots of time has been spent watching basketball games, coaching, and practicing. This year we have had a lot of away games, so Trevor seems to be gone more than he is ever home.
The worst part of the month was almost 2 weeks ago when my Aunt Nanette passed away. It was just such a shock. I am still in disbelief. So unexpected. I have racked my brain just trying to remember if I ever told her I loved her. Did I ever say how much I appreciated her? I feel so lucky to have had her as an aunt. For the longest time when I was a kid she was my favorite aunt. She was always so fun. I don't think I even knew how awesome she was until she was gone. Thank you Nanette for always loving me. Thank you for telling me what a good mom I am and making me feel special. Most of all I wish I could tell you how much I admire you as a mother. The way your kids have turned out is a true testament to what kind of a person you are. Thank you for giving me my most favorite cousin and best friend, Julie. 
This has been such a heartache on everyone, but it doesn't mean that life has stopped, or that we aren't still happy. Each day I spend with my little family I feel so lucky. What a good husband I have and what a sweet boy.
Brody reached a huge milestone on the 18th. He began crawling! Well, the belly can't quite get off the ground yet, so its more like a scoot, but either way he gets around pretty well. He loves getting into everything. Of course he has his own toys, but his favorite things are my phone, the remote, and playing cards.
I can't believe how quick he can get into things. I gave Brody an old set of face cards and when one would start to disenigrate from all the slobber I quickly would trade it for a new one, but apparently I wasn't quick enough the other day. While changing a poopy diaper I found something strange, and on closer inspection I discovered pieces of card! Sorry kiddo.