It's really hard to believe, but our little man hit his 4 month birthday on the 15th. I know its not any real exciting thing to anyone but the mom and dad, but I really cannot believe its been that long.
What amazes me most is how much a baby really does change and grow in day to day life. Brody is obviously not slowing down anytime soon in the growth department, which doesn't surprise us one bit....that's what babies do...grow. What is surprising to me is how much he can learn!
In any book I have read, Brody can do just about everything some babies can do by 4 months. Physically he is rolling like none other, he can put weight on his legs when we stand him up for long periods of time, he can see us really well and follow us with his eyes, he can pay attention to things for much longer than he used to, and he can spot the smallest thing on the floor and reach for it. As far as talking and all of that, he pretty much YELLS at us and giggles very easily.

His newest things are pretty funny. When he gets upset instead of a constant cry, he purses his lips together and kind of whines. Even better, he now sticks his tongue out and makes the farting noise or the motor noise (i'm not really sure how to describe that!). Last night he woke up at 4:30 and instead of getting him I was going to let him cry it out. Instead of crying he blew his tongue and lips to make that noise. This went on for a half an hour straight. He'd kinda cry for a second and then the noises would start again. I just laid in bed and giggled to myself as I listened. I could actually hear the spit that I was sure was getting all over his face and bed.
I can hardly believe that Brody has been with us for 4 months. It seems like he's been here forever. He is such a joy and we love watching him grow each day.