For two years now our little neighbor has made the half mile round trip down to our house on his little 6 year old legs to come for a visit. Tanner's his name and he's one of my favorite kids on the planet. The last little bit when he comes he's usually toting a little sister named Kinley along with him. I feed them an otter pop or two, we watch Harry Potter, or they borrow movies and then they go back home. They can be a handful, but they are SOOO much fun too. When I found out that I was having a boy I thought of Tanner and thought, "okay, boys
are just as fun if not more than girls."
Since we have had Brody, Tanner hasn't been down to see us by himself. His mom brought us dinner that first week and he hopped in her car before she could stop him so that he could come see Brody. I don't think I have ever seen a little boy so interested in a baby. Tanner seems to LOVE Brody.

Not too long ago we went to a SJ volleyball game and as soon as we walked in the door, Tanner was on his way down to sit by us. Sure enough, the moment we sat down, Tanner was right next to Trevor with his arm propped on Trevor's knee. He stared down and Brody and was so good not to touch him or bug him, but just watched him. Brody was asleep and had his pacifier in his mouth. At first he wasn't moving, but then he started to suck on his pacifier and Tanner said, "Hey, how does he do that when he's sleeping?" I told him that Brody must be thinking about dinner. Tanner thought about that for a second and said, "Ya...probably cheese pizza." Haha. I about died. That Tanner is such a thinker. He says the funniest things. Then he watched Brody some more before saying, "I bet we'll be really good friends, but we'll have to wait some years."
Tanner must be ready for Brody to walk down to his house, I guess.