I love being a mom, but I have to admit something....I have never felt so crappy about myself. I don't know what it is. I knew that my body would be forever changed, and mine really isn't so bad...but I just have no confidence anymore.
Whenever I'm shopping or out and about I see all these little mormon mommies, and I think, "Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you have to start looking like crap." Well my friends, I feel like I have hit that point. I have tried to look good, but there is just something going on in the back of my mind telling me otherwise.

I finally decided that I just really needed a change. I love short hair, and I have been wanting to cut my hair short...but I always think I look dumb once I do it. I thought about cutting it back when I was pregnant, but held off not wanting to make any hormone charged decisions that could only possibly lead to a breakdown.

So I did it. I cut my hair. It may not be a big deal to most people, but it was for me. Yeah yeah...hair grows back...but my hair was the longest it's ever been. I get compliments on how pretty my hair is all the time. I was really afraid of losing the one pretty thing about me. I swear we cut like 12 inches off!
The good thing is, I like this haircut. The girl that cut it did a good job. She didn't just lob it off and send me on my merry way. She helped me pick out something that would look good on ME, and I LOVE it! Plus, I can actually do it. It's not one of those times that it's cute in the salon and then too hard to do at home.

(Disclaimer: If you think that my hair looks like trash, that's your opinion and you can feel free to keep it to yourself. However, if you are one of those do-gooders who thinks they are doing the world a favor by giving compliments whether or not they are actually sincere, don't leave a comment here. I HATE false compliments.)