I am so very grateful for our church. I am thankful for leaders that no your needs, like when to be released from callings (cough, cough...primary). I am especially grateful for wonderful relief society and it's lessons each week. I feel like I am spiritually armed and ready for the week in front of me. I am grateful for a mom who has shown me strength and let me be independent even though she just wanted to have a cuddly kid. I am thankful for in-laws that invite us over for yummy dinners when their daughter-in-law has been extremely lazy in the cooking department this summer (in my defense it has been too hot...). I am thankfull that we have a heavenly father that knows when we need to hear a certain message at church and provides it even when we didn't know we needed it. I am grateful that the weather has finally started to cool down!!! I am SO thankful for a cousin (Julie) that helped me repair my website when I couldn't get it to work, and now it is so dang cute!!...if I do say so myself. I am grateful for missionaries and the work they do (elder spenser garner...and soon two of our cousins elders whiting). I am grateful for a co-worker that I can talk to like an equal and totally knows what it's like to NEED A PEPSI! I am so thankful for younger siblings, especially the ones that make us laugh. And lastly and probably most importantly......I am grateful, thankful, and any other words that apply to a husband that loves me unconditionally. Through my crankiness when the house is hardly dirty at all. For someone that makes me feel very appreciated most if not all the time. For someone that laughs at my sillyness, but then tries to act like it's not that funny at all. For a husband that is taking me to California next week just because we didn't go on any vacation this summer. I am so grateful for Trevor and everything he is and does!
Remember that Thanksgiving isn't our only time to count our blessings and be thankful!