I haven't updated because I feel like I am on the run all the time. Trevor has been reffing the little league games, and because I don't like to be alone, I am with him at the games every single night. Thankfully, the tournaments are this weekend so it will be over with for a while. My sister Taylor, has been playing on a team, and I am not just saying this because I am partial.....but she truly is amazing! Needless to say, her team was undefeated this year.
On another note, the home improvements continue! The kitchen cabinets were painted like I said before (an offwhite color with dark brown hardware for anyone who cares), but there was touch up to do like always so that has been taking some time. I also felt like I was living in a rainbow, because the wall were all so many different colors in my house. Don't get me wrong they all coordinated, but it was slowly driving me nuts! My wanting to change the paint after less than a year of the initial paint job is driving Trevor nuts! But being the good husband that he is, he let me change it. The front room went from a mellow yellow color to a tan-ish color that is almost the same as the hallway and master bathroom. Our bedroom is a really pretty dark blue, but I felt like I was in a cave, so three of the walls received the same paint color as the front room. Now the blue is on just ONE accent wall, and no more cave! Woot-woo. Unfortunately, the cabinet painting has now spilled over to the cabinets in the spare bathroom. They are getting the same color as the ones in the kitchen, but with silver/chrome hardware. That bathroom was my mistake room. I wanted it to be bright and fun, because some day it will be a kids bathroom, but it came out a very unfortunate green color. Like a highlighter green.....your face glows in the mirror it's so bright. That means the next thing to tackle is painting it the same color as the front room.
One positive was getting new molding done around all the doors in our house.....or at least most of them. That's another unfinished project, but it's Trevor's not mine.....(the rest are mine....). After the bathroom is done we will be moving on to one of the spare bedrooms, it needs to be taped, textured, and painted. Maybe someday it will be a baby's room.
Which brings me to my conclusion on why the sudden desire, for our house to get done NOW. No, I'm not pregnant. We keep thinking, "oh maybe this month..." But it just seems to be pushed back further and further, so since I'm not getting a baby, I am keeping busy.
Eventually there will be pictures of all my latest adventures, but until then....just picture the tornado that seems to have gone through my house!